CooLifting The Beauty Gun Serum


Original product providing sheer radiance and antiaging action. Contains Hyaluronic acid and tighteners. Suitable for all skin types. It was designed to easily and quickly treat the entire face to achieve a general lifting effect that smoothes and illuminates the skin. A special attention may be given to the areas that are the most affected by both mimic and gravitational wrinkles: eye contour, forehead, eyebrows, cheeks and lip area.

– Single session: an immediate effect in a single session: a more radiant appearance and enhanced skin hydration. It can be the beginning of a multiple session treatment that provides a more lasting effect;
– Multiple treatments: 6 – 8 sessions per month (1 – 2 sessions per week) for a more youthful appearance, a longer lasting and increased glow, and improved skin hydration;
– Maintenance treatment: One session every 2 weeks.

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